Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Flashback for those of you who haven't been riding with me that long...

Manifest Destiny Pt. 1

manifest destiny

1. the belief common in America in the early 1800s that it was the destiny or fate of the US to expand west to the Pacific Ocean. For many Americans, the belief had an almost religious intensity, and was often considered an obvious part of God's plan for America's future. It was with this feeling that settlers pushed west into Indian and Mexican controlled lands, confident that they were justified in doing whatever was necessary to spread the American flag and system of government.

2. a policy of imperialism rationalized as inevitable (as if granted by God)

The aforementioned definition is just a guide to make sure everyone understands what I mean when I go into detail about my manifest destiny.

To further grasp my manifest destiny, you must understand my situation. I wake up angry every day, I`ve done so for the past 10 years. I have virtually no family life whatsoever. I do whatever necessary to maintain. Being hood is a situation, not a state of mind. My way of getting money is out of necessity because I`m trying to survive. That being said...

I will...

live comfortably.

be viewed and judged for who I am, not what my background.

acknowledge that I am condemned to be free because once thrown into the world I am responsible for everything that I do.

abandon the fixation that i need to be rich, I just want to have enough money that I never have to say that I`m just scraping by.

be judged based on what I have to offer and what I can do to the best of my ability, not on the fact that I am Grenadian. There is far too much emphasize put on people`s backgrounds, in fact, upon meeting people itis almost always the 3rd or 4th question being asked of me. Ideally, I`d like to be looked upon as just a man but I do understand that this is the real world so I`ll accept being viewed as just a black man. People form expectations of what you should be based on your background which I find so ridiculous, they form prejudices against certain groups of people based on bad experiences with people of the same ancestry. I`ve been experimenting with throwing people curves and mixing up my ancestry when people ask, even telling people I don`t even know what my background is because I`m adopted (which is my favorite choice because I find it hilarious the various reactions you can get from people when they hear that you`re adopted).

do whatever it takes to get out of this place that I`m in.

do great things. After all, it is my God given right...right?

I will...

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