Tuesday, June 19, 2007

First and foremost, Happy Juneteenth to all those who have their awareness up and know the significance of today's date in history. A lot of talk has been made lately regarding parenting in our city, specifically, if an absentee parent (read: father) drives a child to gangsterism (Yes, that is a word). Gangs are a touchy subject around here, so touchy that anytime someone is shot, stabbed, robbed or assaulted, everyone is quick to start blaming it on the "g-word". More often than not, those incidents have nothing to do with gang violence but instead, just...well...violence. People forget about the domestic disputes that get out of hand, random instances of aggression and the generally fucked up individuals that exist in our society because regardless of what Bill Blair says, I refuse to believe that there are over 75 gangs in this city. I think even our police chief has blurred the line between "gang" and "bunch of kids with guns". Gangs are structured, organized and, for the most part, display some degree of discipline. Kids with guns pop off simply because they can (and do dumb shit like shoot people in a crowded high school in the middle of the afternoon R.I.P. Jordan Manners) because they lack the ability to foresee any consequences (you can't foresee what you can't spell I guess). However, I digress. So is parenting, or rather, lack thereof, the primary cause of violent, criminal behavior in young black men and women? I wouldn't say that this is the long contributing factor, nor would I say it is a contributing factor across the board because for every fatherless gangbanger, I'll show you a fatherless doctor or lawyer or accountant. It is a factor but it has a different effect on different people. I just feel that it is irresponsible to cite this as the main predictor of how one's future will be shaped, ignoring other contributing factors such as social demographics, environment, and the media for example. I am not here trying to make excuses for anyone and I'm definitely not defending gangsterism (Yes really, it's a word) but I'm tired of people getting on my TV and talking as if they have it all figured out and go on and on about what the problem is but can offer absolutely no solutions. There is no quick fix to this problem in fact, so pastors from 2000 miles away can only offer suggestions. The after school programs are nice but why is it that you think all young black kids want to do is play basketball? And what is the point of a police raid after all the bodies have already dropped? (After you vehemently denounced any ties to gang violence of any sort in "that" murder as well). Well what's the point besides putting some dope on the damn table? (Great photo op by the way Chief). Until everyone gets on the same page and acknowledges all of these factors and agree on a solution (or solutions), then the problem will continue to get worse. (Yes, I know that is a lame ass conclusion but it's late and I'm exhausted and I have to get up and do this all again tomorrow. Hate me for it)

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