Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The tree that doesn't bend breaks.

I'm trying to ease up a little, slow it down and enjoy life some more. Contrary to popular belief, I do not spend my days sitting in a bunker writing angry letters but I'm doing my best to stop reflecting that image to those around me. I've learned that I have to stop sweating the small stuff or everything is going to overwhelm me. I can't let that happen anymore. However, there is a flip side. I'm not for the bullshit this year and there is some shit I simply will not let slide. That doesn't mean that I'm going to let those things consume my life or stop me from what I'm out here to do. I'm just not going to have it. I'll even ignore it completely if I have to, in fact, I already have. Some people are going to wake up and realize that they no longer exist to me because bend too far and you've already broken.

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