Sunday, March 29, 2009

Everything is young, fresh and new (written January 1, 2009)

My timing couldn't be better. As a new year arrives, I've already been trimming the fat since Boxing Day. Anything and anyone that does not directly benefit me or prove themselves an asset has got to go. It's a new day and I'm not for the bullshit, if you have no reason to be around or you no longer serve a purpose, your end of days is rapidly approaching. I've stopped providing second chances, no more exceptions, if I'm not going to take any redo's then I have to stop giving them out too. I am not a man who has anything that I can't leave at baggage claim and I'm not a bellboy...I'm not carrying your shit either. It is so refreshing to start...well...fresh. My personal life is zestfully clean in this bitch and I fully intend to keep it that way and as uncomplicated as possible. I've cut ties with everything and everyone that even remotely reminds me of what I think was a very unproductive 2008 where I didn't make the strides I wanted to make and moved backwards more than I went forward. So start running with me or get run over.

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