Get Familiar Vol. 2 © Clinton Sparks
I felt that the best piece of writing I've produced in my life deserved a sequel so I present to you Manifest Destiny Pt. 2: Supreme Mathematics.
The Supreme Mathematics is an alleged system of understanding numbers alongside concepts that are used along with the Supreme Alphabet as tools to unlocking the keys to reality and/or the universe. I'm putting my own spin on the teachings of my new found faith and breaking down the keys to reality like only I can.
1. Knowledge is the accumulation of facts through observing, learning, and respecting. Knowledge is the foundation of all in existence, for it must be known in order to make it manifest. Knowledge is the light given off by our sun. It is also the original man, who is the foundation of Allah's family
Knowledge is not to be confused with intelligence. Being smart is a lot more than just simply possessing knowledge. It is about how you acquire knowledge, how you process that knowledge, and how you apply that knowledge to everyday situations. I've met countless people with more degrees than dollars because they have no practical ideas on how to utilise what they've learned. If anyone sees the logic in paying around $12,000 a year to go to school just to end up working in McDonald's for around $12,000 a year, please tell me.
2. Wisdom is to speak knowledge and act according to it. Wisdom is water, the vital building block of life. Wisdom is the original woman because through her womb, life is continued. It is a relection of one's knowledge and this fact is shown and proven by the moon, being a reflection of the Sun's light (Knowledge). Knowledge + the reflection of Knowledge = Wisdom (1+1=2)
This can't possibly get anymore self-explanatory, I'd just be repeating things.
3. Understanding is what shows and proves the completion of knowledge and wisdom (man, woman, child). Understanding is a clear mental comprehensio. It is the original child, which is the star. The highest form of understanding is love, the bond between man and woman, knowledge and wisdom.
Once learning how to apply one's knowledge, one gains understading of one's self and one's surroundings. The most direct definition of this would probably be "a psychological state in relation to an object or person whereby one is able to think about it and use concepts to be able to deal adequately with that object." I would simply call it clarity, seeing the world and all of the people in it for what they really are and what they are really capable of.
4. Culture/Freedom is one's way of living, meaning one's language (wisdom) and customs (ways and actions). Freedom, is to have a "free dome" (a liberated mind) or to lack restraints. The original man's culture is Islam, which is peace.
Every time the topic of freedom comes up I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes: "Man is condemned to be free. Condemned, for he did not create himself, but free in the sense that once thrown into the world he is responsible for everything he does."
5. Power/Refinement is the force of creative energy. To refine is to perfect. Power is the truth, which is Allah's mathematics. To have knowledge in the culture of Islam is to have Power.
Now you didn't think all of those "Knowledge is Power" messages that were pushed on us as kids was just clever marketing, did you?
6. Equality is the state or quality of being equal, meaning to deal equally with all in existence. Equality is achieved by teaching others Knowledge and Wisdom, and making it understood through Understanding.
It's one thing to acquire Knowledge and Wisdom then develop a sense of Understanding and enlighten those around us. It's a totally different thing to gain understanding of the world around us and let our peers stumble around in ignorance. I wouldn't be writing any of this (or anything I've written and shared with you over the past 2 years) if I didn't think someone was taking something from what I'm saying. I know I'm always ready to jump up and say that nobody reads this and thats true, but that doesn't mean that I don't lead by example. Nobody may be reading the words on the page but they may see how I am able to get my thoughts down on paper and try to do like me. I've said countless times in the past that I am not trying to lecture anyone, change the world or influence any generations but I have a responsibility to pass on what I know and leave somoe kind of legacy behind when I'm gone.
7. God. Allah is God. The supreme being, the Black man, is God, Allah, lord of all the worlds, supreme ruler of the universe, which is everything: sun, moon, and stars.
In the end, there is just Allah
8. Build/Destroy. To build is to elevate the mentality of self, and others around the self, to add on positive energy to Allah's nation. To destroy is to ruin it by allowing negativity to outweigh the positive.
Giving up on one another is the same as tearing each other down. There was even a point I was going to give up on my own generation because of what I had been shown but regardless of how ignorant some people's actions and opinions can be, we can't give up on them because they are our people. I'm not preaching from the pulpit by any means here but I can't stand watching the news with my camily and hearing my mother and my aunts rip on blacks when one of us is involved in a crime. By no means do I condone picking up a gun and ending another human being's life or any other type of violent crime but I do understand that desperate people do desperate things and I understand the kinds of desperate situations that people (not just black people) can wind up in, so while everybody else cries for theh shooting to stop, I cry for another reason. I cry for everyone living their life 15 days at a time. I cry for all the single mothers grinding to make sure their children want for nothing. I cry for everyone grinding it out in a classroom because they know that an education is a foot in the door. I cry for anyone who's ever done anything "wrong" to survive. I cry for every single person that has ever found their self in a hopeless situation before.
9. Born is the completion of all in existence. To manifest from Knowledge to Born, which is the law of mathematics - to be complete in itself.
Notice a trend here. 1 through 8, and we're slowly getting back to the beginning. Life is a cycle and the Nation of the Gods and the Earths is no different. Don't believe me?
0. Cipher is the completion of a circle consisting of 360 degrees (Knowledge=120°, Wisdom=120°, Understanding=120°). All in existence pertains to a cipher.
See...told ya
1 comment:
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.
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